Apex Legends Has Finally Made Crypto Good, Maybe Too Good



  • Crypto was once a pointless Legend in Apex, but recent buffs have made him a viable and strategic option for competitive play.
  • The addition of abilities like invisibility while piloting his drone has elevated Crypto’s value, changing the meta of the game.
  • Although some pros may not like the changes, Crypto’s newfound success is a welcome change for a character who has struggled to find success in the past.

“Crypto meta is the worst thing to happen to Comp Apex from a player and viewing perspective,” writes Phillip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen on social media site X. The so-called CEO of competitive Apex Legends is a bona fide esports star, and when he talks (or posts, I guess), people listen. But the rumblings about Crypto’s Season 22 buffs have been gathering steam since the change was enacted.

Crypto’s been buffed in multiple ways, and he needed it. He was barely used before this season, other than a few APAC teams bringing him to ALGS competition. I don’t remember the last time I saw him in Ranked. He was simply too static, too passive, and his kit wasn’t even the best at providing the vital recon his character should have expertise in. That’s all changed.

Why Was Crypto So Bad?

Crypto from Apex Legends Season 3

Crypto was a difficult character to play. He’s a hacker by trade, and there’s not much hacking you can do in a battle royale. That goes double for Apex, which channels its Titanfall heritage by making movement one of the most important aspects of the game. There’s a reason why Octane is always popular, why Pathfinder is back in the meta, and why Wraith and Horizon have dominated at times. Movement is king.

Any characters who don’t excel at movement need something better in order to excel. In most cases, this is either the ability to block line of sight and provide cover (so that your squad can move safely) or scan your surroundings to offer information on enemy positions. Catalyst and Bangalore (and to a lesser extent, Caustic and Wattson) fit into the former category, and Bloodhound, Seer, and Fuse (yes, Fuse) fit into the latter.

Other characters come and go, but a combination of movement characters, line of sight blocking characters, and scan characters has been a solid option in recent tournaments. Some teams opt for a defensive Legend instead, especially if they play zone style rather than edge, but where does Crypto stand in all this?

apex legends crypto on his computer in an office environment

In a corner. Crypto must stand completely still while piloting his drone, and without his drone he has no abilities. It’s a handy piece of equipment, which can scan opponents it can see and instantly respawn allies if they’re downed. But the former ability is outclassed by the likes of Bloodhound and Fuse, whose abilities do not require line of sight to give you information, and the latter is situational at best.

Crypto has been seen in big tournaments before now, but he’s usually relegated to a single team committed to an anti-meta playstyle. There was also a broken interaction with Alter last season, but it was quickly patched.

Crypto was simply too passive to be useful, especially as his abilities are outclassed by other scanners. However, recent buffs have changed the pecking order.

New Season, New Me

apex legends season 18 revenant climbing towards crypto

In Season 22, Crypto has a whole new suite of abilities. The most exciting one is Crypto’s ability to turn completely invisible while piloting his drone, allowing players to evade capture and rat their way to better placements.

Mirage mains may be mad that Crypto has stolen their thunder, but that’s not all. Instead of turning invisible, Crypto can extend the range of his drone. This is an option that has been regularly picked in competitive circles, so it’s clear that an invisibility cloak is not the only way forward for Crypto strategies.

Between the two buffs, competitive players have been utilising Crypto as a way to circumnavigate the ‘can’t see sh*t meta’ that’s pervaded the scene for over a year now. Bloodhound nerfs and patches to Fuse’s broken interactions have aided Crypto, but the big buff has finally tipped the scales in his favour.

It’s good to see a new Legend getting some love, even if the pros playing him don’t like it. And if he’s a bit too strong, that’s just Respawn’s “big swings” in action. The developers have reiterated on multiple occasions that they prefer to make broad, sweeping changes to the game in order to dial them back over time, rather than making tiny tweaks that may not be noticeable to casual players.

Crypto’s been on the receiving end of this season’s biggest swing, and he’s thriving. While it’s another scan Legend in the spotlight, something that is beginning to feel old, especially in competitive circles, Crypto has never shone like this before. I’m glad he’s getting his five minutes of fame, because a nerf is incoming. If the pros are vocal enough, it’ll happen.

For now though, enjoy the ride. Enjoy ratting your way to the top two in your invisibility cloak. Enjoy accidentally uncloaking in front of a full team. Enjoy the ups with the downs, because Crypto hasn’t had many ups in Apex’s five-year life. Crack open that bottle of prosecco you’ve been saving, pour yourself a glass, and settle in for an evening of sneaky shenanigans like never before. You deserve it.

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